14 Oct 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

GORAKSHAYOGA SAMHITA: गोरक्षयोग संहिता:
Etadvimukti sopanametatkalasya banchanam. Padavyavritam is like Bhogadashaktam Paramatmani. 4. – एतद्विमुक्ति सोपानमेतत्कालस्य बंचनम। पदव्यावृतम मानो भोगादाशाक्तम परमात्मनि। ४।। By practicing yoga, when the mind shifts from worldly pleasures to the exclusive mindfulness attachment to God, then the practice of yoga becomes a ladder to victory over death and to the ultimate goal of salvation.
“Dharmaatha Kaam Mokshanam Shariram Sadhanam Yataah“. “धर्मार्थ काम मोक्षणाम शरीरम साधनम यता:”। -The body is needed for religion, meaning, work, means of salvation.Further About Divine Knowledge
“Asanam prana sanrodh pratyaharashcha dharana; dhyanam samadhiretani badantishat. 6.-“आसनम प्राण संरोध प्रत्याहारश्चा धारणा ; ध्यानम समाधिरेतानी बदन्तिषट।। ६।। -Asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi are the six parts of yoga. Asana-84 lakh: Among 84 Asana, 2 Asanas are Siddhasana and Kamalasana; Pranayama, Shatachakra and Kundali Shakti, Mudra, Bandha, Nadi Vigyan, Dhyana – Ajayapajap Gayatri Mantra, Omkar Pranav practice;
“Asanen Rujohanti Pranayamen Paatakam; Vikaram Manasam Yogi Pratyaharen Munchatti”. 112. “आसनेंन रुजोहन्ति प्राणायामेन पातकम; विकाराम मानसम योगी प्रत्याहारेण मुन्चत्ति”।। ११२।।
Destruction of the pathologist from various asanas; Pranayama destroys the sins of the fickle mind, Pratyahara destroys the mental disorder.
“Dharanabhimatau Dharya Dhyananchaitanya Madabhutam; Samadhau Mokshamapnoti Tyaktva Karma Shubhashubham. 113 “धारणाभिमतौ धर्य ध्यानान्चैतन्य मदभूतम; समाधौ मोक्षमाप्नोती त्यक्त्व कर्म शुभाशुभम ११३- Patience imported from the practice of perception. Through meditation, awakening of consciousness and samadhi destroys auspicious karma and attains liberation
“Yatsarva dvandvayorakayam jivatma paramatmano; samast nasht sankalpa samadhi sabhidhiyate”. 186; “यत्सर्व द्वन्द्वयोरैकयम जीवात्म परमात्मनो; समस्त नष्ट संकल्प समाधि साभिधियाते “। १८६।।. -Happiness-suffering, hunger-thirst, joy-surprise, cold-summer, laughter-cry, unity or destruction of all emotions; All conflicts are eliminated, all resolutions are destroyed, this state is samadhi. Awakening of the state of mind, dreaming, dormancy, dormancy is Samadhi.
HATHA PRADIPIKA / SAMHITA हठ प्रदीपिका / संहिता
“pranamya shreegurum naatham svaatmaaraamona yoginaa; kevalam rajayogaay hathavidhyopadishyate.” Ha. 1.2 “प्रणम्य श्रीगुरुम नाथम स्वात्मारामेण योगिना। केवलम राजयोगाय हठविध्योपदिश्यते।। ह.यो १। २। -Prostrating first to the Guru, Yogi Swatmarama instructs the knowledge of Hatha yoga only for (raja yoga) the highest state of Yoga.
Four chapters: Asana-15; Shatkarma and Pranayama-8; Money and bonds – 10; Nadanusandhana / Intimate Yoga – 4 stages of Naad – Arambhastha, Ghatavastha, Parichayavastha and Nixpattivastha –
GHERANDA SAMHITA-घेरण्ड संहिता – SAPTA SADHANA / SAPTANG YOGA : Divine Knowledge
“Naasti maayaasamah paasho naasti yogaatmaram; naasti gyaanaatparo bandhurnaahangkaaraatparo ripuh” -4; “नास्ति मायासम: पाशो नास्ति योगात्परम। नास्ति ज्ञानात्परो बन्धुर्नाहङ्कारात्परो रिपु: ।।। ४।” There is no fetter like delusion, and there is no force as powerful as yoga. There is no greater friend than knowledge and no foe worse than ego.
SAPTA SADHANA: 1.Shodhana / Shatkarma, 2. Dridhata / Asana, 3. Stharyam / Mudra, 4. Dhairya / Pratyahara, 5. Laghavam / Pranayama, 6. Pratyaksham / Dhyana, 7. Nirliptam / Samadhi
“bhraantyaa bahumatadhvaante raajayogamajaanataam; kevalam raajayogaaya hathavidhyyopadishyate.” Ha. Ra. 4; – “भ्रान्त्या बहुमतध्वान्ते राजयोगमजानताम। केवलम राजयोगाय हठ विध्योपदिश्यते।। ।।। ४।” -The science of hatha yoga is being imparted only to explain raajayoga to those who are perplexed by the varied opinions and are ignorant of raajayoga.
Chittavrittinirodhastu Mahayoga: Prakirtita. Yogaschaturvidha: Proctto Yogajnai: Sarvasiddhid :. 7. चित्तावृत्तिनिरोधस्तु महायोग: प्रकीर्तित। योगश्चातुर्विध: प्रोक्त्तो योगज्ञई: सर्वसिद्धिद:। ७। -Control of the mental fluctuations is called mahaayoga. The adepts of yoga claasify this mahaayoga into four types, which bring about all the siddhis or supernatural powers.
EXPERIENCE OF YOGA TEACHING- योग उपदेशको अनुभूति
Yoga Darshana: The means / actions of yoga are to make one realize the essence of life, the universe and the spirit, and to experience the teachings of Hey, Heyhetu, Han and Hanopaya for the solution of problems.
Vedas: Today in all the teachings of the world in the Vedas, as there is sorrow in the world, there is a cause of sorrow, sorrow can be removed and there is a way to remove sorrow.
Buddhist philosophy: There is an understanding of sorrow, everything is impermanent, and there is peace only in Nirvana.
In Charak: There is disease, there is cause of disease, diagnosis is possible, there is a chemical of diagnosis.
Yoga is the realization of spiritual power, attainment of salvation and the state of spiritual discipline through ancient time chanting, penance, meditation, etc. This state of spiritual consciousness, according to the scriptures, is called Samadhi, Moksha, Mukti, Nirvana and Kaivalya. Based on the essence of yoga, Samadhi is also a partial path of yoga.
YOGA, PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION ( योग, दर्शन, धर्म )
The ultimate result of yoga is ultimate peace and ultimate bliss. Yoga is the origin of the divine, that is, the universe, while religion and Sanskrit are man-made. From Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism has also been created by man as a culture and tradition.Yoga Traditions every religion, sect and tradition in the world has a common opinion of yoga.The process of yoga is found in the Pali Tripitaka of Buddhism and in Sanskrit texts. Mahavira himself was a yogi and Jainism includes yoga. You are given priority.
Yoga teaches us to survive 86,400 seconds in 24 hours. Yoga teaches to search for the Guru’s path, not the path of the Google only. This world universe is Yogayala, this body with our energy, mind and Bhavanaratma is the laboratory. Yoga is a gift from God that everyone has the right to receive. It moves to be in harmony with nature and the universe.