3 Nov 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

In Sanskrit ‘Bhadra’ means ‘auspicious’ and ‘asana’ means ‘pose’. Bhadrasana the destroyer of diseases. It also says that the yogi can get rid of a fatigue by sitting in this asana.It is an excellent meditative pose.This pose helps to activate the mooladhara chakra.This pose is also described by Sage Gheranda. This is a physical culture asana – a sitting posture that especially improves the lumbar region strength. It also helps in opening out the hip flexors and stretching the muscles in your thighs/hamstrings.
Method of Bhadrasana :
- Sit on the ground with legs stretched .
- Fold both the legs and convey them on the brink of one another . Feet must touch one another .
- Use the hands to carry the toes of the feet. Pull the legs towards the groin. The legs should rest on the bottom , touching the ground . this may require an honest amount of flexibility within the beginning.
- Keep the spine straight and relax the shoulders.
- Maintain this final pose for as long as comfortable. The breathing are often slow and rhythmic.
Breathing : The breath should be slow and rhythmic with awareness of the breath at the nosetip.
Awarness : For physical practice, awareness of the natural breath at the nosetip.For spritual benefits, awareness of mooladhara chakra is practiced.
Benefits :
- Knees, Ankles, hip joints become flexible, helps in preventing arthritis and Sciatica.
- Cures general problems like white discharge in women and also helps the problem of discharging in men .
- It helps in calming the brain and reducing mental excitement.
- On the pranic level the practice of bhadrasana controls and balances the flow
- It helps to sooth menstrual discomfort. It brings to normal the internal activity of the ovaries. It may be included in the training programme of pregnant women, preparing them for a painless delivery.
- This pose stimulates and facilitates the digestion, also increases appetite to a healthy level.
Contraindications :
- People suffering from sciatica should not practice this pose.