19 Jan 2023 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Ashtanga Vinyasa is the combination of yoga asanas (poses) and is the teaching style of asanas by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois (July 26, 1915- May 18, 2009). The term ‘Ashtanga’ means eight limbs of yoga (i.e. Yama, Niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi) as a complete pattern of Yoga Sadhana mentioned in Patanjali Yoga Darshana. But here Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series means merely a sequence of asanas for regular practice in his style. Vinyasa here means careful linkage of breath with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is focused on strengthening your entire physical system to reach the ultimate stage of yoga. There are many benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:
- movement of body and
- the static position of the body
- keeping awareness of body, breath, and thoughts.
Physical Benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:
- It reinforces your body and enhances your hidden physical power.
- Every single asana in Ashtanga Vinyasa has specific features for curing physical diseases. So, it gives you good health.
- It prepares you for an advanced level of Asana. For advanced asanas, your body should be stronger and more flexible which can be attained by regular practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa.
- Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is very helpful for fortifying your arms, hand, shoulder, and core. This will help you to perform various inverted asanas, hand standing, and hand balancing asanas.
- It keeps your body active, fit, and fine.
- It recharges your body which helps you better performance of your daily work.
- The continuous Vinyasa flow after almost all the poses increases the heat of the body which improves flexibility during the asana. Similarly, this is a very powerful flow to invigorate your body.
Mental Benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is very helpful for your mind. It gives wonderful benefits to your mind for keeping it in delight state.
- It improves concentration and focus of your mind. There are some balancing asanas in the Ashtanga Vinyasa series that are helpful to enhance your attentiveness and alertness.
- You will be taught to do Ujjayi breath during an asana which gives a sufficient amount of oxygen to recharge your body and brain. This keeps your lungs, throat, and respiratory system healthy. Since the best tonic for the brain is oxygen, the functioning of the brain will improve. Due to a sufficient amount of oxygen, many mental diseases like stress, anxiety, depression, tension, etc. will be cured.
- The working capacity of your mind improves.
- Mind becomes more calm, peaceful, and stable.
- There are many asanas in Ashtanga Vinyasa Series which require strong determination and willpower to perform them. Thus when you do those poses regularly your determination and willpower also increase.
Emotional Benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:
Human emotions are important factors for ameliorating or deteriorating one’s own life. If emotions are not managed properly life will mislead. The main emotions are Interest, Happiness, Surprise, Sadness, Anger, Hatred, Disgust, Contempt, Self-Hostility, Fear, Shame, Shyness, Guilt, etc. If these emotions are beyond your control life will not move on the right track.
One cannot be free from emotions, also it is not important to be free from emotions. But what is important is one should have mastery over emotions. You should not be the slave of your emotions. You should have control and supervision over your emotions. Regular practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga helps you to go closer and closer to the path of mastery over emotions and feelings.
Spiritual Benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:
In Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, you need to practice concentration, Bandha, Mudra, etc. which gives many spiritual benefits.
- In every single pose of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, you are asked to concentrate by fixing your gaze. This uplifts the consciousness level.
- On one hand you are asked to do Ujjayi breath while on the other hand, you are asked to observe your breath during asana. This develops your observing capacity and helps to realize the observer.
- Along with the breath, you are taught to witness the sensation the body has experienced due to the various physical postures. This will help to activate the dormant witness. This is what the goal of yoga is.
- You need to be mindful of the body and breathe during the practice. Thus, at this time you will neither be in the past nor will you be in the future. You will be dwelling in the present. This way you will learn the art of living in the present.
- Along with increasing consciousness, meditation will also improve.
Social Benefits of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga:
Since every single individual is a social being, he needs to live in society. If you have sound relations in society, then only social development will be possible. When you attain a balanced and peaceful mind you can deal with people and society in a proper way.
Only a balanced mind will help you to behave in society in the right way. When your emotions are balanced when you are unaffected by hatred, anger, ill-will, animosity, etc. you can behave with people in a harmonious manner. This will make your social connection and relations good. You can become a good person in society as well with the ability to do good work in society.
Besides, your relations with friends, family members, etc. will also be better if your yogic practice is in the right way. Regular yoga practice gives you all-around benefits physical, mental, emotional, spiritually, and social.
In today’s world, yoga helps to create balance in your life. As, we have many things going on in our daily life that creates all physical, mental, and social problems. Learning Ashtanga Vinyasa helps benefit you in every way at every step of life. Hence, you should learn Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga to enhance your life for the better and make a holistic approach to life.
You can learn all the principles and techniques of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga during yoga teacher training in Nepal at Himalayan Yoga Academy. We have a specialty in both Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga. Our yoga teacher training teachers are considered the best teachers in Nepal. Learning at Himalayan Yoga Academy, will not only make you a better yoga teacher but also provide you with a family that you can remember and get help from every part of life. Life is a beautiful journey and let’s make me more beautiful with the help of Yoga.
Written By: Yogi Ram Hari