Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

28 Feb 2025 Himalayan Yoga Academy

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra associated with the water element is the second energy center in the body. The Sanskrit name for the sacral chakra is ‘Svadhisthana’ which translates to the dwelling place of self-steadiness. In other words, it is a liquid vital force activation center, where earth base energy melts, and chakra transforms the forces’ nature into water. It also represents flow, fluidity, and adaptability. The chakra’s associated color is orange or vermillion. The chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel, in the perineum area. The sacral chakra is deeply connected with creativity, emotions, and sexuality. The tongue (sense of taste) and reproductive organs (the genitals) are its ruling body parts. The three states of sacral chakra are blocked, balanced, and overactive. The energy flow is stagnant when it is blocked and excessive when it is overactive. Therefore, the act of balancing sacral or svadhisthana chakra is essential for the constant free flow of energy. It results in emotional stability, creativity, and healthy sexual expression and relationships.

Act of Balancing Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra

Key Attributes of the Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra primarily deals with the emotions, creativity, passion, and sexual energy in the human body which are its key attributes.

1. Emotions

The chakra helps to build the ability to release fear with ease promoting emotional stability and connectivity through joy, intimacy, pleasure, etc.

2. Creativity

The chakra is closely associated with creative energy that fosters artistic flow, innovation, problem-solving, and self-expression.

3. Passion

The deep desire is fueled by an inner passion that inspires individuals to pursue with intensity and dedication.

4. Sexual Energy

The chakra stimulates intimacy and pleasure promoting healthy sexual energy and fostering harmonious relationships.

Sacral Chakra States

The sacral chakra states are Blocked, Balanced, and Overactive describing the conditions of an individual. It is best to acknowledge the condition to take practical steps to enhance creativity, emotions, and sexuality.

Tabular Presentation of a Blocked, Balanced, and Overactive Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra StatesCharacteristicsSymptoms/SignsImpact (Physical & Emotional)
BlockedMotionless energy  

Find it hard to express emotions and desires  

Absence of creativity and joy
Emotional instability

Creative blocks

Sexual issues

Fear of change

Addictive behaviors

Guilt or Shame
Unable to experience pleasure or joy

Trouble adapting to change

Fear of intimacy

Emotional vulnerability

Lower back pain
BalancedFree-flowing energy  

Able to express emotions and desires  

Flow of Creativity and sexual energy
Emotional stability

Creative freedom


Healthy relationships

Boost in Confidence, desires, and needs
Openness to new experiences

Ready for emotional connections

Healthy sexual expression

Feel content and excited

Creative expansion
OveractiveExcessive energy  

Intensity in desires and pleasures  

Difficulty in self regulation  

Unhappy with life
Extreme mood swings

Hyper-addictive behaviors

Overindulgence (food, alcohol, substances, etc.)

Unhealthy attachment to sexual desires
Irresistible emotions


Feelings of guilt or self-blaming

Obsessive behaviors

More emphasis on physical pleasure  

Balancing Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra

The constant free-flowing of emotional energy, creativity, and sensuality is achieved through the act of balancing sacral or svadhisthana chakra. Some key points are as follows:

1. Physical Movement

The physical movement proves beneficial in releasing and stimulating the energy flow in the body. Involve in physical activities primarily focusing on hips and pelvis such as yoga, swimming, dancing, etc.

2. Meditation and Visualization

Meditation and visualization focusing on bright orange or vermillion colors activate the healing area and foster positive energy.

3. Dietary Supplements

The right dietary supplements supporting the Sacral Chakra prove beneficial to balance and nurture. Some suggested foods are oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, nuts and seeds, black cherry tomato, Padrón pepper, coconut, oyster, lentils, etc.

4. Affirmations

Chanting or reciting positive affirmations also activates the positive energy vibrations releasing negativity. Some suggestive chats from the Kundalini tradition are Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo which translates as ‘I bow to the creative energy of the universe’ (Ong), and ‘I bow to the divine wisdom within’ (Namo Guru Dev Namo). Some other affirmations can be: ‘I am Capable’. ‘I am passionate’. ‘I am emotionally satisfied. You can chant any positive affirmation you desire and continue to repeat it for better results.

5. Water Element

Keeping yourself hydrated and spending time more near the water bodies also proves to activate the energy as the sacral chakra is connected with the water element.

6. Emotional Healing

Emotional healing through therapy, self-analyzing, journaling, and working on resolving affected emotional trauma or relationships for improving the sacral chakra.

7. Creative Expression

Creative expression allows you to express your oppressed feelings and fosters you to connect with your inner self. Engage in creative activities such as painting, writing, crafting, or any form of self-expression.

8. Use of Essential Oils and Crystals

The use of essential oils and crystals also helps to activate the sacral chakra promoting emotional balance and healing.

Crystals and Essential Oils for Sacral Chakra Healing

Below are the crystals and essential oils for Sacral Chakra healing with their benefits.

Crystals and their BenefitsEssential Oils and their Benefits
Carnelian for CreativityCinnamon for Creativity 
Orange Calcite for JoyRose for Love
Gold-colored Tiger’s Eye for ConfidenceJasmine for Confidence 
Moonstone for IntuitionClary Sage for Clarity 
Amber for HealingPatchouli for Balance 
Citrine for EnergyYlang-Ylang for Sensuality 
Red Jasper for GroundingSandalwood for Grounding 
Sunstone for VitalityOrange for Uplifting 

Yoga Asanas (poses) for Balancing Sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra

Some effective Yoga asanas (poses) for balancing sacral or svadhisthana chakra are as follows:

1. Bound Angle/Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana): It is best for the hips and stimulates emotional release.

2. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): It improves pelvic flexibility and stimulates the lower abdomen.

3. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): It helps to release stored emotions. 

4. Child’s Pose (Balasana): It relaxes the body and boosts emotional submission. 

5. Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana): The pelvic region strengthens developing confidence. 

6. Low Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana): It stretches the lower abdomen as well as opens the hips.

7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): The energy flow increases and provides flexibility to the lower back.

8. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjari-Bitilasana): It releases tension in the lower body as it mobilizes the spine.


The act of balancing sacral or svadhisthana chakra fosters creativity, satisfying relationships, and sexual energy. For a balanced energy flow, practicing yoga, affirmations, eating dietary supplements, drinking water, and spending time near the water bodies proves to be fruitful.