25 Jul 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Setting our motive or Sankalpa is the fundamental part of Yoga practice. It is the only way to reach the final practice of manifesting our desires and aspirations and also leading us toward what we want to create.
But what really does the Sankalpa mean?
First of all, Sankalpa has two meaningful words.
Here, San means “Connected to cosmos consciousness or Divine truth”.
“Kalpa” means “Vow, commitment, promise, wholeheartedness.
The divine truth that you already possess must be perpetually discoverable. Our practice does not revolve around completing a task and moving on. Truth is cultivated over a lifetime and needs to be nurtured in all procedures. Sankalpa is a powerful tool that may be used in all steps of your life and has resonance throughout your body and soul. It attempts to direct your purpose off the mat as well, not merely to support your practice on the mat. Now that we know the function of our Sankalpa, which is to guide us constantly, let’s be more aware of how our intentions impact us both on and off the mat.
The aim is the course of action that enables learning, allowing us to take unjudged diversions, and finally discovering where we are. If we find ourselves taking a detour, we can always stop and pick a different path and back to our Sankalpa.
Our goal is not something we judge in this way. It does not cause us to become more critical of ourselves for taking these diversions or bring up any contradictory thoughts in our heads. Naturally, the mind will wonder if we are not trying to get rid of this at all. Instead, our purpose notices the tendency of our attention to wander and gently brings it back to the root we have set for ourselves.
When we don`t live up to our objectives and resolutions, we may feel conflicted. We could discover ourselves falling into the cycle of negativity and humiliation while looking for further ways to compensate for our supposed failures. Our body itself can experience this conflict as well. It becomes more challenging for us to go through those unpleasant emotions and find our actual Sankalpa if we place too much emphasis on what we consider perfect.
Instead, through purpose free from conflict or criticism, our Sankalpa seeks to operate at the deepest levels of who we are. If detours are taken we are gently and compassionately led back to the path we have made for ourselves.
With all these in mind, you might be thinking the ways to set the meaningful Sankalpa.
The following 10 steps are the answer to your queries for setting a perfect sankalpa helping you to focus in on what you truly aspire to be and opening you to new prospects.
1. Locate a Suitable place and time
- Setting a specific time and place for your practice can help you to focus on your meditations without any disturbances.
- Better place to make your own Sankalpa maybe somewhere in nature, at night time, or in the morning before and after yoga practice.
- Be sure that the place you are meditating makes you feel protected and safe to allow you to explore all possibilities.
- You can come back to the same place if you feel like you need to reapproach your motive.
- You can set a timer so that it helps you to commit to the moment and present within yourself in that period of time. In this way, your mind will not wander about how much time has passed.
2. Meditate
- Meditation practice will allow your mind to reach a higher consciousness of the divine truth to many more new possibilities. Also during your yoga teacher training in Nepal with Himalayan Yoga Academy, you will meditate every day to enhance your Sankalpa and Practice.
- This practice of calmness will certainly help you to know the intention you want to cultivate for your own self.
- You are totally a charge of the restrictions you set in your mind.
- Over time, your concentration will lessen and lessen until you be in the moment.
3. Be Present
- A purposeful Sankalpa comes from the eagerness to be present in the moment.
- When we are in the present, we let us to sense everything around us, including our inner sounds that can cloud our mind.
- If we listen to our inner noise, eventually the fog covering our mind will lift up and then unlock important information that will inform our Sankalpa.
- If your mind deviates somewhere then bring it back to its central focus.
- Make sure you express compassion and sympathy towards yourself.
- Your mind will get distracted outside but don`t blame it for doing it so.
4. Focus your intention on you
- When you are about to create an intention, make sure that it is about you.
- Your motive is all about the core of your being, something that can only be manifested within the body and soul that you have polished.
- Ask yourself these questions when creating your intention:
- What does inner peace feels like for you?
- What makes you feel alive?
- How do you want to be in this world?
5. Let it reverberate within you
- Once you find the right intention, it will resonate throughout your entire being will feel right.
- It shall create an expansion within your body and increase your strength to feel vibrations in your body.
- If you don`t feel this immediately, don`t worry.
- Listen to small vibrations in your body with exploring different parts of the body.
- Follow the vibrations which will lead you to a greater one.
- Open your mind and body to new possibilities.
- Do not limit yourself.
6. Keep it simple
- Keeping your intentions simple makes it easier to re-remember it in any situation.
- If words are not applicable for you, then you can start making your intention an image or sense.
- Explore the different kinds of senses you can demonstrate including sight, smell, touch, sound, or taste.
- Your intention is anything that works for you but should conclusively be something you can easily recall.
- Your Sankalpa should provide you with comfort and lightness.
7. Phrase your intention positively in the present.
- Even if you don`t believe in your intention, it should be a statement of truth.
- You should be a desire or something you would like to incorporate.
- Don`t worry if you are not realizing the truth yet.
- Try not to be distracted by negative thoughts as negativity does not motivate us.
- Stay positive as it allow you to change and transform into something better.
- Focus on what you want and what you want to create.
- A good example of meaningful Sankalpa is “ I am at peace”, “just for today i want to be happy”.
- Allow your energy to direct wherever you want and to explore possibilities within your new intentions.
8. Translate your message
- Sometimes your Sankalpa does not come to you in the form of words, so sometimes try translating them into words and writing it down.
- Again, your Sankalpa is anything that suits you, that works for you whether it could be in the form of an image or a different kind of sense.
- You can try exploring these messages and use this translation as an exercise.
- You can ponder on them throughout the practice and find various meanings within the various settings you recall your intention within.
9. Remember that you are your sankalpa
- It is part of you always.
- It is free to be with you not only when you are on the mat.
- Practice the same Sankalpa consistently rather than changing it from time to time.
- This will allow you to explore your Sankalpa in all manner and apply it to every phase of your life bringing you closer to yourself.
- Most importantly trust in your Sankalpa.
- Your Sankalpa is you. You require the same love and compassion you give to others.
- It`s time to give that same love for yourself.