Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

Open Your Mind with Yoga

23 Aug 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy


One of our true nature is Creativity. But due to hectic life, our minds never take a day off from work. Whether it is ruminating on the past or the future, our mind is always straying. Stress is a factor that drains all of our energies. Most people spend their day working at an office desk, bending over a laptop, trying to meet a deadline, unless they are going on a long weekend. This causes stress because our minds are constantly distracted with one thing or another, in addition to giving you a sore back and bent shoulders. Our minds are so preoccupied with our ideas while we are with friends and family that we fail to fully appreciate the moment.

When you step on the mat, you take all of your tensions for a while and help to release all the tension you have been carrying with you. Daily practice of yoga helps improves your breathing and provides you with immediate relief. However, for beginners, yoga practice could be challenging as your body lacks flexibility but it increases with the practice. Moreover, there will be certain difficulties, and uneasiness in certain body parts hence one should practice yoga under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher.

Here are the top 5 yoga poses you can practice at home when you need to open your mind:

Standing forward fold ( Paschimottanasana )

Keep your feet close together or hip-width apart as you stand erect. Exhale while bending forward and placing your hands close to your feet. Inhale while raising your arms above your head. As you take ten to twelve deep breaths, let your head hand loosely. If you`re just starting out, slightly bend your knees to prevent overstretching your back.

Standing with your back straight helps to calm your active thoughts and balance your neurological system. It builds mental fortitude and eases lower back stress. When your mind is overstimulated, it opens.

Fish pose ( Matsyasana )

On your yoga mat, lie down with your legs extended and arms at your sides. As you breathe in, lift your back, chest, and neck off the mat and place your palm beneath your hips. While maintaining an elevated back, exhale while lowering your head`s crown. Maintain the position for at least 5 to 6 breathes before gently releasing.

The most meditative position for your brain is the fish posture. It improves blood flow to the brain, which helps to relieve tension and calms the brain.

Downward-facing dog ( Adho Mukha Svanasana )

Put your wrists under your shoulders, your knees under your hips, and assume a tabletop position. Deeply inhale and when you exhale, lift your hips and back off the ground, straighten your knees, and form an inverted V with your body. If your hamstrings are excessively tight, maintain a straight back and slightly flex your knees. Lengthen your neck and keep your ear away from your shoulder. At least five to six times, inhale deeply and then gently exhale.

One of the most restorative yoga poses you will encounter in any yoga class is the downward dog. Your entire body is engaged in this yoga stance, which stimulates your body`s organs. It enhances posture, boosts blood flow, and soothes the nervous system.

Cat and Cow Pose ( Marjariasana )

Beginning in a tabletop position with the wrist beneath the shoulder and the knees beneath the hips. Now inhale deeply, arch your back, and look upwards( cow pose) . Exhale, arching your back upwards and focusing on your navel. For at least 8 to 10 deep breathe, continue to move back and forth in the pose, then let go.

Se the cat/cow posture to give your spine a gentle massage and release any tension in your neck, back , and shoulders. Regular practice enhances the body`s general balance and posture.

Corpse pose ( Shavasana )

On your yoga mat, lie down with your legs extended and your arms by your sides. As you breathe in and out, close your eyes and allow yourself to relax. Release after holding the position for at least five minutes.

At the conclusion of a yoga session, the corpse posture is a highly relaxing position. The secret is to pay attention to your breathing and let go of any tension while remaining completely conscious; this will help to clear your thoughts and give you a greater perspective.

In our Yoga teacher training in Nepal with us, we teach all our student’s different asanas and also their benefits on our body and mind accordingly. In our yoga teacher training Nepal course in Himalayan Yoga Academy. During both 200 hour yoga teacher training Nepal as well as 300 hour yoga teacher training in Nepal, we teach our students different asanas under proper guidance. We teach them a way to connect to their mind with the path of yoga. We teach our yoga teacher training students the best way to perform every asana. Also, we teach our different meditation techniques so that they can perform meditation with proper guidance and attain the path to a balanced state of body and mind.

TAGS: Asana ayurveda ayurveda therapy bridge pose children food health Himalayan Yoga Mantra Meditation in Nepal Meditation Nepal Nepal Nepal yoga Pose Power reiki reiki training Shiva Shiva mantra Surya Kriya Triyambakam vegan diet Yoga Yoga Academy Yoga Asana Yoga for All yoga for children Yoga in Nepal Yoga Life yoga pose yoga retreat Yoga retreat Nepal Yoga Teacher Training Nepal