21 Jan 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

- School of Traditional Yoga
Normally, most people think that yoga teacher training is something that you should only do, if you were actually thinking of having a career as a teacher, or were looking to deepen an already advanced practice. What people normally don’t know is that whatever level you practice at, a yoga teacher training course will have a profound effect on your life, not just your physicality. Here you will learn Why everyone should take a yoga teacher training course once in their lifetime: Reason Are :
1. You will realize that yoga isn’t just about asanas.
Normally people why go to a 200-hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course comes with the idea that they would work on asana practice and become better at Ashtanga or Vinyasa as a result. Whilst that was true, it was the discovery that yoga is a way of life, encompassing a set of practices and values that extend way beyond the physical class that became the biggest learning. You discover that meditation, pranayama, and asanas work in total together with a set of life values (Yamas) and practices (Niyamas) to help you reach the ultimate goal of yoga – to find your true nature or goal.
2. You will gradually say goodbye to your ego.
If you are a regular practitioner of Yoga then doing YTTC will help you boost up and become a successful teacher or person. Normally people think they should do these asanas completely and force it but By the end of the course this struggle will end and you will greatly accept that what is important is that you work only with yourself and stop comparing and competing with others.
3. You will have a much happier relationship with your body.
You may have pushed your body doing physical exercise in your everyday lives but by focusing on the ritual of a daily practice led by experienced teachers, you will realise the full potential of its latent power. Whatever limitations or restrictions you think you may have, you will be given the chance to focus positively on everything your body has the potential to do, and it will amaze you.
4. You will reassess your entire life.
A yoga teacher training course gives you the space and time to step outside your daily routine and gain perspective on what you are doing in your everyday life. Many people turn up at yoga courses after a significant event in their lives has taken place – perhaps they have left or lost a job like I had, or a relationship has ended. By focusing on the daily ritual of asanas, meditation, pranayama (breathing) and the study of yoga philosophy, you will learn that you have the freedom to choose what path you take next in life and it may not be what you thought it was.
5. You will realise how connected we are with nature.
Not only will you connect with other human beings in a profound way, but you will start to see the creatures around you as part of the same network. Depending where you do your yoga teacher training /TTC , you may find yourself surrounded by animals of different types.During training, then you will feel your connection and relation with creature,In Nepal, our tradition helps a lot in identifying our connection with each other.
The landscape you complete your training in may also have a profound effect on your outlook on life. A mountain location may help you discover the vast beauty of the universe and breathing in its pure air may help you to connect with it more efficiently. normally the evironment that you felt during the training will help you boost up your self care.

Wanna do a Yoga teacher training in nepal in 2020