Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

What is Sound Healing?

16 Oct 2023 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Sound Healing in Nepal

 A world without sound is unimaginable. It is everywhere and in everything, if not loud, then at least subtle. Sound is energy. It was not invented or discovered, but something that has always existed. Since sounds are innate to all of us, it’s no surprise that they affect us in a variety of ways. Sound directly affects the molecular structure of the body, helping to repair, rejuvenate and refresh. It not only affects the body and mind but is also said to connect the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. The sound has been used for centuries to promote physical and emotional well-being. Using positive vibrations and frequencies helps the body and mind return to a stable state. More below on Sound & Sound Healing.

 The practice of sound healing is based on the idea that our bodies and minds work with certain vibrations and frequencies. We can’t always perceive them with our senses, but we can perceive them through our emotions and other energy sources. When these vibrations are no longer in harmony, various physical, emotional, and mental symptoms can occur. Sound healing is therefore a practice that aims to achieve this harmony by manipulating these vibrations with various tools

 History of Sound Healing

 Sound healing is not a new concept. Since ancient times, it has been used as a therapy to cure many diseases and as a means of spiritual upliftment. It was the first form of traditional medicine. Each culture has its own specific method of using sounds to eliminate negative energies, cure illnesses, go into trance, etc.

 In Indian culture, mantras were chanted to cure illnesses, boost immunity, calm the mind calming, clear karmic imbalances, etc. Music therapy was an integral part of the temples of India and ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians used music, magical chants, and a certain type of instrument that produced sound waves for healing purposes. In Apollo, the Greek god of music and medicine was prophesied to cure mental illness through song. Hippocrates and many other Greek physicians played music and used flutes, lyres, and lyres to treat their patients. Shamans worldwide have used the drums to transcend themselves and their patients to a higher level of consciousness that can promote physical and mental well-being. The sound and its healing properties can also be associated with the teachings of Buddha and some important Tibetan religious treatises that discuss the practical importance of Tibetan healing sound instruments.

 Type of Sound Healing

 Sound Healing requires certain tools. Some of these tools are easy to find and learn, while others require special circumstances and professional guidance. We will discuss some of the most used sound healing techniques. Type of Sound Healing

For sound healing, certain tools are required. Some of these instruments are easy to find and learn while some require special circumstances and professional guidance. We will discuss some of the most used techniques of sound healing.

• Voice

 The voice is the fundamental tool of sound healing and the most important because it is directly related to the vibrations of the body. There are many tools on the market, but we must never forget that we are tools that carry the power of healing. You can heal your voice by humming, singing, praying, saying affirmations, etc. Yoga practices such as Brahmari and Ujjayi Pranayama, mantra chanting, and kirtan are techniques that use the

 voice for healing.

 • Tibetan Singing Bowls

 Tibetan singing bowls are commonly used in Buddhist religious practices and are one of the most popular methods of sound healing. These bowls are made using a small number of sacred metals and the art of forging and tuning, giving them a unique frequency and vibration. When struck, they emit a rich blend of harmonious sounds that directly impact the chakras and aid the meditation process.

 They serve to restore the body’s normal vibration frequency. The deep sounds of singing bowls are said to help heal many ailments and achieve holistic health. Due to its many effective therapeutic aspects, it is considered one of the most popular sound healing methods.

 • Classical Music

 Music takes us to another dimension, that seems to be an ideal world. Classical music is an excellent tool for sound healing and is said to promote learning and creativity. Nowadays it is increasingly used to treat patients suffering from depression, anxiety, muscle tension, high blood pressure, etc. and it is also great for pregnancy and baby development. This also includes guided meditations, where you meditate according to spoken instructions.

 • Gong bath

 The gong or sound bath is an ancient Asian sound healing technique that creates the vibrations of all the water in the body. It is a “bath” of sound waves that produce a wide spectrum of harmonics that create vibrations that bring inner harmony and facilitate healing.

 Gongs are used for yoga, meditation, and chakra balancing.

 • Tuning Forks

 Tuning forks are used to heal with the sound of an instrument, namely our body. In medicine, they are used to localize bone fractures. It uses sound waves to stimulate meridian points and promote the body’s natural self-healing energy by applying specific vibrations to specific areas of the body, releasing tension and opening blocked energy. Think of it like acupuncture but without the high heels. They are said to promote mental balance and clarity, relieve pain, relax, and increase physical energy. It restores the balance of the chakras and keeps the body in perfect harmony.

 • Didgeridoo

Didgeridoos are indigenous and spiritual instruments made from wood that originated in Australia. It is used in healing and meditation to enter a deep state of trance and unblock stagnant energy. It is said to reduce both snoring and improve the quality of sleep and also improve the symptoms of asthma.

Benefits of Sound Healing

Sound healing has many multitude of benefits physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in every. Following are some of the major benefits of sound healing:

  1. It helps to Relieve Stress
  2. It helps in the Improvement of Health
  3. It helps in releasing Buried Emotions
  4. It helps in Enhancing Mood
  5. It Boosts Brainwaves
  6. Helps in Expansion Consciousness
  7. It helps in Increase of Heart-Brain Coherence
  8. It gives you more focus

Learn more about the different aspects of sound from the traditional sound healers and meditation gurus, who have learned the art of sound healing from traditional texts and have been healing people since ages. Learn the beautiful singing bowl training or Sound Healing training in Nepal with Himalayan Yoga Academy.

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