Yoga for Depression
What is Depression?
Depression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, thinks, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Learn How Yoga for Depression
When you are depressed, your concentration decreases and indecisiveness takes over. All the hobbies and activities you enjoyed previously now don’t seem appealing at all. There will be a significant change in your weight – you either gain it or lose it.
Proper Counseling and psychotherapy are natural remedies but are not effective as self-realization. Self-control, self-realization, and self-awareness are the basic parameters concerned in YOGA. Hence Yoga can be beneficial for Depression.
Why Yoga for Depression?
Yoga poses increase blood circulation to the brain and stop the production of those hormones which are causing depression. Yoga does not have any side effects and this is the best reason it became a better option as compared to other streams of medicine. Hence, Yoga keeps you in a fresh, positive, and calm mood. Here are some poses that help you deal with depression.
- Shavasana: This asana relaxes the whole psycho-physiological system. It should ideally be practiced before sleep, before, during, and after asana practice, particularly after dynamic exercises such as Surya namaskar and when the practitioner feels physically and mentally tired. It develops body awareness. When the body is completely relaxed, awareness of the mind increases, developing pratyahara.
- Bridge Pose: Bridge Pose is an accessible backbend that will open your front body and leave you feeling grounded and rejuvenated. It greatly improves the circulation of blood. Helps alleviate stress and mild depression, Calms the brain and central nervous system.
- Child Pose: Child’s Pose helps to stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles while reducing stress and fatigue. It gently relaxes the muscles on the front of the body while softly and passively stretching the muscles of the back torso.
- Reverse Warrior Pose: Reverse Warrior — Viparita Virabhadrasana (VIP-uh-REE-tuh veer-uh-buh-DRAHS-uh-nuh) — is a standing yoga pose that stretches the waist and energizes the whole body. within this pose, you will be giving your brain quite a workout as well. when practiced with a little mindfulness and awareness, this posture can be really awesome for your body.
- Ardhakati Chakrasana: It helps in clearing blockages in the lungs and improves breathing. It increases blood supply to lateral thoracic muscles as they are stretched.

Pranayama: The regular practice of Pranayama can be quite effective in not only overcoming anxiety and depression among the elderly but also helping them in promoting mental health which will help them develop a sort of resilience to any kind of mental or physical illness. Pranayams like bhramari and nadisodhana help greatly in improving your thinking capacity.
Top 9 Reasons WHY Taking A YOGA RETREAT is Important
The unhealthy lifestyle of most people is a major reason behind the development and exacerbation of many chronic diseases. A very reason to do a yoga retreat is to give yourself a truly relaxing and recreational experience. Improve flexibility by doing yoga asana. Improving lifestyles through new residential experiences that promote healthy behaviors, calm the mind with meditation & breathing exercises and feel the vibration of chanting Sanskrit mantras. So WHY Taking A YOGA RETREAT is Important
Reasons Why we should take a Yoga Retreat
- You can truly connect with nature as there are so many retreat places in beautiful locations and this is the best way to get out of your daily busy life.
- Say Bye-Bye to the daily technology life, during the retreat, no need to update your status and tweet or re-tweet every hour you will not feel like being online 24×7.
- Going to a new place provides you with the best opportunity to explore the world. Experiencing unknown friends and places is the best way to grow and learn.
- If you have some bad habits then going to a yoga retreat is the best way to break from a bad habit is to replace it with a new healthy one
- We give so much of ourselves in our daily lives that can be personal or professional and we realize us impossible to take a moment just for ourselves. In a yoga and meditation retreat you get the opportunity to meet some amazing people from the other part of the world, you can also use it as an opportunity to be alone.
- A yoga retreat keeps you far from your stresses about your duties where you need permission to truly relax, retreat allows you to listen to your body, rest when you need it, and be free from daily stress.
- Going for a yoga retreat can be a life-changing experience, it can change and heal our mental and physical health.