Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

12 Sep 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal & Himalaya-Yoga-Akademie in Nepal für die Yogalehrer-Ausbildung

Whether you are only a beginner wanting to become a yoga teacher or one who already finished your 200-hour RYT and considering going for your advanced 500 hour yoga teacher training certification, this blog will explore a few reasons why every yoga teacher should pursue 500–hour yoga teacher training.

The most common path to becoming is to first register as RYT 200 and then join a 300-hours yoga teacher training. Alternatively, you can do all 500 hours at once. With advanced yoga teacher training, you will not only learn about the philosophy, yoga in-depth, and how to be a great teacher, but you will be more likely to start a yoga business on your own.

Yes, most of the teacher training will touch on the sutras, chakra system, anatomy, and pranayama/meditation. But most of the time spent is learning how to find your voices, and how to sequence a yoga session and practice teaching the actual yoga poses. The reason behind the popularity of 500-hour yoga teacher training you can get an extra 300 hours to dive deeper into philosophy, chakras, and anatomy.

Also, in most yoga studios, yoga teachers with 500 hours of RYT are required because of their deep knowledge and practice. After 500 hours of Registered Yoga Teacher Training, you will be able to develop your teaching style by choosing which category you are focusing on. Think of it as getting a Master’s degree in teaching yoga. This course is a life-changer that requires lots of effort, interest, plenty of time, and dedication to the practice. If you are still in the dilemma about earning your 500-hour yoga teacher certification, keep reading, everything you need to know about.

Why 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

1. Use advanced yoga teacher training to develop your new styles of yoga

During 200 hours RYT, you will learn all the basics any teacher should know, from proper alignment to the teaching methodology and yoga philosophy. Honestly, there isn’t enough time to dive deeply into the psychological aspects and philosophy of yoga. That`s what a 300 hours RYT certification is for.

Students of 500-hour programs get the opportunity to delve deeper into the practice of Yoga as a whole. Pursuing an advanced yoga teacher training course will allow you to dig into things you want to learn Ayurvedic yoga, Yin yoga, yoga Nidra, meditation, and more. Therefore, an RYT 300 Hours program will let you spend a lot of time entering into the depth. It’s the perfect way to fill in any blanks left from 200-hour yoga teacher training. 2. Anatomy workshops

In advanced yoga teacher training, you’ll spend at minimum another 50 hours reviewing anatomy and applying this knowledge to asana alignment and sequencing. When you have a deeper understanding of the three different – planes of movement, specific muscle groups, and common injuries be aware of the class. It not only promotes your creditability but also this knowledge will also drastically change your practice. In the extra hours you get to spend on anatomy breakdown, you begin to realize the vastness of the human body and will learn many valuable modifications for your students.

2. You will be able to teach students with diverse needs

In 200 hours RYT, you`ll learn about the different asana its benefits, and way of doing but may not have the time to learn modifications for aging students, beginners, or students recovering from injury/diseases.

Now, that you have already known about the various asanas in 200 hours RYT, you can spend more time with your teachers about the intricacies of poses. You will learn about the small changes you can make that will have a major effect on your practice and healing.

3. You can know more about the historical and philosophical background of yoga

As yoga teacher, it’s our goal to know more about the origin of yoga so that we can respectfully teach yoga. When you do 300 hours of yoga teacher training, you’ll be able to spend more time studying an ancient text that is the foundation of yoga – the yoga sutras of Patanjali. You can get to know more about the Bhagavad Gita, where the giant text came from.

4. Improve your marketability as a Yoga teacher

Having the RYT-500 is impressive. It’s getting popular day by day. With advanced teacher yoga training, you can market yourself either as a teacher or a yoga business with a bit more confidence.

You’ll also have an opportunity to meet other students who want to go deeper into their practice. This networking opportunity allows you to further establish yourself in the yoga community. Additionally, you’ll get to spend time with experienced instructors who can mentor and guide you. You can establish your own yoga business.

Advanced 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training:

We hope this blog gave you a few reasons to consider advanced yoga teacher training. If you’re feeling motivated to take the next step in your yoga teacher career and become an RYT-500, Please take a look at the advanced training at Himalayan Yoga Academy.